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Tanvir Kour Tanvir Kour is a passionate technical blogger and open source enthusiast. She is a graduate in Computer Science and Engineering and has 4 years of experience in providing IT solutions. She is well-versed with Linux, Docker and Cloud-Native application. You can connect to her via Twitter

Top 5 Things You Can Do Today to Reduce AWS Costs – Cloudvisor Tips

3 min read

In an era when development and data storage require enormous capacities, cloud computing is becoming a new trend. Small businesses and corporations use AWS (Amazon Web Services) to access storage and computing outside their office. This ecosystem uses thousands of servers all over the world to provide you with power, storage facilities, and work tools, too consuming for your device.

Everything has a cost, though. Using Cloudvisor, businesses receive regular discounts and free credits for AWS, but even this is not enough. See these 5 tips, selected by technical experts, to reduce costs on Amazon services. Don’t worry about your specialization – all the pieces of advice are scalable and useful for startups and large corporations.

Read This Before Your Cost-Reducing Journey

As experts say, AWS is not only a cloud computer. Amazon Web Services are the whole ecosystem of services and tools for entrepreneurs. Thus, you should understand several things. First, AWS from Cloudvisor is not a solid unit. This ecosystem offers cloud computing, storage, organization tools, and even technical features to optimize file storage.

Secondly, AWS offers flexible pricing – there’s no single subscription plan since every user buys certain services and avoids others. Finally, a tool may be overwhelming for a beginner. Consider alternatives before using it – for example, experts commonly compare Google Cloud and Azure to AWS. These services are easier and less complex. However, the number of opportunities is also poor. If you need a complex service to organize all the work tasks (especially if you have several departments), AWS is a must-have. So, let’s begin the journey of reducing your expenses.

Tip 1. Analyze The Things You Already Use

Experts give plenty of technical tips to reduce costs and economize on AWS. But before all that, you should conduct basic research and understand what you actually need and which services are a useless source of expenses. Use CloudWatch to analyze your current storage and computing. The tool gives insights into how you utilize certain metrics:

  • CPU;
  • used memory;
  • powers, needed for your processes;
  • traffic metrics.

This is a great way to find things you don’t use and cancel unnecessary subscriptions. Alternatively, try AWS Cost Explorer. This one shows particular expenses and the price you pay for each service.

Tip 2. Benefit From Free Credits

Using external services, businesses can get up to $100,000 credit value to use Cloudvisor AWS for free:

  • AWS can support startups by giving you free credits;
  • research credits are given to new users to explore the functionality;
  • to support public initiatives, AWS gives free trials for non-profit organizations, etc.

Unlike common opinion, this is not a one-time approach. While free tiers are single-use things, you can leverage discounts and free credits all the time. The secret is finding approaches. If you’re connected with a charity, inform AWS and ask for support. Startups with great ideas and forecasts are also supported. For better understanding, reach out to the experts in AWS discounts – professionals will find ways to get discounts for your business.

Tip 3. Optimize Networks and Data Traffic

Using Cloud Computing, you pay the network costs. Large files and pieces of data consume a lot of traffic together with your budget. Use these ways to optimize it:

  1. Enable the CloudFront tool by Amazon. It will cache files properly and store them closer to your users.
  2. Migrate existing apps to AWS – use this guide for quick transferring. This way, all team members will access programs at the same place.
  3. Turn on the Network Analyzer by AWS. This tool shows where your traffic goes and which data-transferring methods are ineffective.

Additionally, storing files in AWS is much safer than using computers. AWS offers plenty of security measures, from 2FA to protected networks. Collect all files together to optimize costs and protect them at the same time.

Tip 4. Select Proper Tools

AWS consists of 10+ services, connected with storage and cloud computing.

  1. To store files: Simple Storage Service, Elastic File System (for EC2), Relational database (for the most complicated structures), Dynamo BD (for the key system).
  2. Cloud Computing: Elastic Computer Cloud (universal one), Lambda (commonly used for coding), Elastic Container Service, etc.

Users commonly select the most popular ones, but it’s not the best approach. You should understand which tools are needed for your business particularly. Explore the AWS official websites with guides and explanations, or address professionals for consultation.

Tip 5. Use the “Dynamo DB” Trick

You already know a part of the companies that use AWS: Pinterest, Airbnb, Zoom, and other web giants. Imagine the sums they would pay for storing and processing all the corporate data, servers, and user information. The secret is that corporations know the ways to economize and pay for things they actually use.

Dynamo BD, for instance, is a tool for data storage and classification. Instead of traditional folders, it uses the key system. Imagine that each piece of data you store has its own key – using it, you can quickly find the needed information. Dynamo BD is often associated with huge storage facilities. Yet, there’s a way to pay for less data than you keep here:

  1. Open your Dynamo DB settings.
  2. Choose the “Read/Write capacity mode” section.
  3. Here, select the “On-demand” pricing model.

Now, you pay for the data you’ve been searching for, not everything you store. Nothing complicated – that’s an official tip, posted on the Amazon website.


Key Findings About AWS Cost Reduce

Using all these tips, follow a simple sequence of actions:

  • analyze data and power you already use to find leaks and unnecessary expenses;
  • use free credits and discounts to try services for free;
  • optimize traffic, so you won’t overuse the connection and data facilities;
  • choose the right type of storage and computing;
  • set up the “On-demand” pricing model.

Once you’re here, analyze if AWS is worth its price now. For small businesses, the tool can indeed be too complicated and expensive – and, surprisingly, useless. However, if you have a middle- or large-size company with technical specifications, AWS is inevitable. Leverage the cost-reducing tips and benefit from regular discounts.

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Tanvir Kour Tanvir Kour is a passionate technical blogger and open source enthusiast. She is a graduate in Computer Science and Engineering and has 4 years of experience in providing IT solutions. She is well-versed with Linux, Docker and Cloud-Native application. You can connect to her via Twitter
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