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Abraham Dahunsi Web Developer 🌐 | Technical Writer ✍️| DevOps Enthusiast👨‍💻 | Python🐍 |

How to Fix “Can Not Push Image to DockerHub” Error: Troubleshooting Guide

2 min read

The “Can not push Image to DockerHub” error occurs when images cannot be pushed to DockerHub.

This troubleshooting guide will explain the root causes of the “Can not push Image to DockerHub” and provide practical steps to resolve it.


Below are some of the steps you can take to resolve this issue:

Login to DockerHub

Before you can push Docker images to DockerHub, you need to authenticate with your DockerHub account.

docker login

You’ll be prompted to enter your DockerHub username and password. Replace <your_username> and <your_password> with your actual DockerHub credentials.

Ensure image existence

Verify that the image you are trying to push to DockerHub actually exists.

docker image ls

Restart Docker Daemon

Restarting Docker Daemon could help resolve this issue.

sudo systemctl restart docker

Using a Docker Hub Personal Access Token

Using a Docker Hub personal access token can be a solution for the “Can Not Push Image to DockerHub” error.

Step 1: Log in to your DockerHub account.

Step 2: Go to your account setting.

The “Can not push Image to DockerHub” error occurs when images cannot be pushed to DockerHub.

This troubleshooting guide will explain the root causes of the “Can not push Image to DockerHub” and provide practical steps to resolve it.


Below are some of the steps you can take to resolve this issue:

Login to DockerHub

Before you can push Docker images to DockerHub, you need to authenticate with your DockerHub account.

docker login

You’ll be prompted to enter your DockerHub username and password. Replace <your_username> and <your_password> with your actual DockerHub credentials.

Ensure image existence

Verify that the image you are trying to push to DockerHub actually exists.

docker image ls

Restart Docker Daemon

Restarting Docker Daemon could help resolve this issue.

sudo systemctl restart docker

Using a Docker Hub Personal Access Token

Using a Docker Hub personal access token can be a solution for the “Can Not Push Image to DockerHub” error.

Step 1: Log in to your DockerHub account.

Step 2: Go to your account setting.

Step 3: Create a new personal access token.

Step 4: Enter a description for your personal access token and choose the appropriate permissions.

Step 5: Copy and save down the token value.

Step 6: Use the Token for Authentication

docker login --username <your_username> --password <personal_access_token>

Instead of using your DockerHub password, use the personal access token as your password when running docker login.

Step 7: Push Your Image

Tagging Your Image

When pushing Docker images to DockerHub, properly tagging the images is essential. Tags help identify specific versions of your image and associate them with your DockerHub repository.

Step 1: Locate the image ID of the Docker image you want to push.

docker images

Look for the image you want to tag and note down its image ID.

Step 2: Use the docker tag command to create a new tag for your image.

docker tag <image_id> <yourhubusername>/<reponame>:<tag>

Replace the placeholders with your actual information:

In the command above:

  • <image_id> is the ID of your Docker image.
  • <yourhubusername> is your DockerHub username.
  • <reponame> is the name of your repository on DockerHub.
  • <tag> is the version or tag you want to assign (e.g., latest, v1.0, etc.).

Step 3: Push the tagged image to DockerHub:

docker push <yourhubusername>/<reponame>:<tag>

After you’ve tagged your Docker image correctly, try to push it to DockerHub.

docker push <yourhubusername>/<reponame>:<tag>

Run the following command, replacing <yourhubusername>, <reponame>, and <tag> with your actual information:



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Abraham Dahunsi Web Developer 🌐 | Technical Writer ✍️| DevOps Enthusiast👨‍💻 | Python🐍 |
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