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Adesoji Alu Adesoji brings a proven ability to apply machine learning(ML) and data science techniques to solve real-world problems. He has experience working with a variety of cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. He has a strong skills in software engineering, data science, and machine learning. He is passionate about using technology to make a positive impact on the world.

2 ways to Assessing and Evaluating LLM Outputs: Ensuring Relevance, Accuracy, and Coherence of LLMs

4 min read

As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly integrated into applications, ensuring their outputs are relevant, factually accurate, and coherent is paramount. In this blog post, I’ll delve into methods for assessing these aspects of LLM outputs, discuss tools and frameworks I’ve used to evaluate performance and ensure observability, and provide code demonstrations where applicable. We’ll also explore platforms like Galileo, Truera, Traceloop, and Langsmith that assist in evaluating LLM performance.
Key Challenges

Table of Contents

  • Assessing LLM Outputs
    • Relevance
    • Factual Accuracy
    • Coherence
  • Tools and Frameworks for Evaluation
    • LangSmith
    • OpenAI Evals
    • Other Platforms
  • Code Demonstrations
    • Evaluating with LangSmith
    • Using OpenAI Evals
  • Conclusion

Assessing LLM Outputs


Assessing the relevance of an LLM’s output involves determining how well the response aligns with the input prompt or the user’s intent.
  • Semantic Similarity Metrics: Use metrics like cosine similarity with embedding vectors to measure how closely the output relates to the input.
  • Keyword Matching: Identify essential keywords in the input and check for their presence in the output.
  • Contextual Evaluation: Ensure the response is appropriate within the given context, especially in multi-turn conversations.

Factual Accuracy

Evaluating factual accuracy is crucial, especially when LLMs are used in domains where incorrect information can have serious consequences.
  • Automated Fact-Checking: Integrate fact-checking APIs or databases to verify factual statements.
  • Prompt Engineering: Instruct the model to cite sources or express uncertainty when unsure.
  • Human Review: Have subject matter experts review outputs for accuracy.


Coherence refers to the logical consistency and flow of the generated text.
  • Language Quality Metrics: Use metrics like perplexity to assess the fluency of the text.
  • Structural Analysis: Check for logical progression in arguments and consistency in narratives.
  • Discourse Markers: Ensure the appropriate use of conjunctions and transitional phrases.

Tools and Frameworks for Evaluation


LangSmith is a platform developed by LangChain that offers tools for debugging, testing, evaluating, and monitoring LLM applications.
  • Experiment Tracking: Keep track of different prompts and parameters.
  • Evaluation Suite: Automate the evaluation of LLM outputs against benchmarks.
  • Observability: Monitor the performance and behavior of LLMs in real-time.

OpenAI Evals

OpenAI Evals is an open-source framework for evaluating OpenAI models and prompts at scale.
  • Custom Evaluations: Create evaluations tailored to specific use cases.
  • Automated Metrics: Use built-in metrics or define custom ones.
  • Community Sharing: Share and use evaluations created by others.

Other Platforms

    • Galileo: Focuses on data-centric AI, helping to identify data issues affecting model performance.
    • Truera: Provides model intelligence and observability, focusing on explainability and fairness.
    • Traceloop: Offers monitoring and debugging tools for machine learning pipelines.
    • While I’ve primarily worked with LangSmith and OpenAI Evals, platforms like Galileo, Truera, and Traceloop also offer valuable features for LLM evaluation and observability.


      Code Demonstrations

      Evaluating with LangSmith

      Let’s walk through how to use LangSmith to evaluate LLM outputs. Setup First, install the necessary packages:
      pip install langchain langsmith
      Initializing LangSmith Client
      from langchain.client import LangChainPlusClient
      # Initialize the LangSmith client
      client = LangChainPlusClient(api_url="")
      Creating an LLM and Chain
      from langchain.llms import OpenAI
      from langchain.chains import LLMChain
      from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
      # Define the LLM
      llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)
      # Create a prompt template
      prompt = PromptTemplate(template="Translate '{text}' to French.", input_variables=["text"])
      # Create an LLMChain
      chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt)
      Running the Chain and Logging Results
      # Test data
      inputs = [{"text": "Hello, world!"}, {"text": "Good morning"}]
      # Run the chain and log outputs
      for input_data in inputs:
      output =
      # Log the input and output to LangSmith
      outputs={"translation": output}
      Evaluating Outputs LangSmith allows you to evaluate outputs using built-in or custom evaluators.
      from langchain.evaluation import load_evaluator
      # Load a predefined evaluator
      evaluator = load_evaluator("translation_accuracy")
      # Evaluate the outputs
      for input_data in inputs:
      output =
      evaluation = evaluator.evaluate(input_data["text"], output)
      print(f"Input: {input_data['text']}")
      print(f"Output: {output}")
      print(f"Evaluation: {evaluation}")

      Using OpenAI Evals

      OpenAI Evals enables you to evaluate model outputs systematically. Setup
      pip install openai-evals
      Creating a Custom Evaluation
      import openai
      import openai_evals
      # Initialize OpenAI API key
      openai.api_key = 'your-api-key'
      # Define prompts and references
      prompts = ["What is the capital of France?"]
      references = ["Paris is the capital of France."]
      # Create a custom eval class
      class CustomEval(openai_evals.Eval):
      def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
      def eval_example(self, example):
      prompt = example["prompt"]
      reference = example["reference"]
      # Get model response
      response = openai.Completion.create(
      result = response.choices[0].text.strip()
      # Compare with reference
      score = self.compute_score(reference, result)
      return {"result": result, "score": score}
      def compute_score(self, reference, result):
      # Simple string comparison for demonstration
      return int(reference.lower() == result.lower())
      # Run the evaluation
      eval = CustomEval()
      for prompt, reference in zip(prompts, references):
      example = {"prompt": prompt, "reference": reference}
      evaluation = eval.eval_example(example)
      print(f"Prompt: {prompt}")
      print(f"Model Output: {evaluation['result']}")
      print(f"Score: {evaluation['score']}")
      Note: Replace ‘your-api-key’ with your actual OpenAI API key.


      Assessing the relevance, factual accuracy, and coherence of LLM outputs is essential for building reliable applications. Tools like LangSmith and OpenAI Evals provide robust frameworks for evaluating and monitoring LLM performance. While each platform has its strengths, combining automated tools with human evaluation often yields the best results. By systematically evaluating LLM outputs, we can enhance their quality and ensure they meet the desired standards.


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Adesoji Alu Adesoji brings a proven ability to apply machine learning(ML) and data science techniques to solve real-world problems. He has experience working with a variety of cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. He has a strong skills in software engineering, data science, and machine learning. He is passionate about using technology to make a positive impact on the world.
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