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Ajeet Raina Ajeet Singh Raina is a former Docker Captain, Community Leader and Distinguished Arm Ambassador. He is a founder of Collabnix blogging site and has authored more than 700+ blogs on Docker, Kubernetes and Cloud-Native Technology. He runs a community Slack of 9800+ members and discord server close to 2600+ members. You can follow him on Twitter(@ajeetsraina).

Automate the Bare Metal Provisioning Process through Puppet Razor

5 min read

This blog post describes how to automate the bare metal provisioning of physical and virtual machines through Razor. Razor is an open source tool and works perfectly with Puppet.


Razor is an open source tool created to automatically discover bare-metal hardware and dynamically configure operating systems and/or hypervisor. Razor makes it easy to provision a node with no previously installed operating system and bring it under the management of Puppet. Razor was originally developed by EMC and is based on Tiny Core Linux. The Razor microkernel is 64-bit only. Razor can only provision 64-bit machines. Razor has an ability to discover hardware via in-memory instance of Razor microkernel (aka Razor MK).The source code of microkernel is available at under GPL v2 license.

Razor is completely open source which means one has freedom to build their own custom Razor MK images, which have the option to specify user accounts, the ability to enable remote SSH access for debugging, and for users to build and include custom Tiny Core Linux extensions to support unique hardware for their environment. Razor’s policy-based bare-metal provisioning lets you inventory and manage the lifecycle of your physical machines.

How does Razor work?

Whenever a new node gets added, Razor discovers its characteristics by booting it with the Razor microkernel and inventorying its facts. The node is tagged based on its characteristics. Tags contain a match condition — a Boolean expression that has access to the node’s facts and determines whether the tag should be applied to the node or not. Node tags are compared to tags in the policy table. The first policy with tags that match the node’s tags is applied to the node.

Provisioning elements of Razor

  1. Repositories: It takes care of “What to install?”– It basically indicates the content to install on a system. To create a repository, either import an install ISO or point at an existing package repository.
  1. Tasks: It takes care of “How to install?” – Installation scripts such as kickstart files, preseed files and additional shell scripts. Predefined tasks are shipped with Razor, and custom tasks can easily be added without additional coding.
  1. Broker: It takes care of “How to manage?” – Post-installation scripts that install a configuration management agent on the node and enroll the node with the configuration management system. (e.g. – Puppet).
  1. Tag: It takes care of “Where to install?”– Boolean expression that use node facts and metadata. Tags are used to match nodes and policies.
  1. Policy: It takes care of “Combine it all?” – ordered table which combines all the above element in the form of YAML.

Setting up Razor Server

It is recommended that razor server shouldn’t be installed on the same machine on which puppet master is running. The reason being the default port for razor is 8080 which conflicts with default puppet DB port. To setup a test environment, we will need at least 2 VMs – one for puppet master and the other for razor server

  1. Puppet Server ( hostname – puppetmaster)
  2. Razor Server ( hostname – puppetagent1)

Razor has been specifically validated on RHEL/CentOS 6.5 but it should work on all 6.x versions. I assume that puppet server is installed and configured properly on CentOS 6.5 VM with the hostname puppetmaster. If you are new to Puppet, I recommend reading

Here are the steps that need to be followed for setting up razor server on puppetagent1 machine.

  1. Installing Razor Module

Razor module is available under the puppet labs github repository. I assume that git package is already installed on puppetagent1. We will use rubygems software (rightly called gem) which allows to easily download, install and use ruby packages on the system

# gem install bundler

 # cd /opt; git clone

 # cd razor-server;

 # bundle install

 # rake db:migrate

 # torquebox deploy

 #yum install jruby

 #curl -L -O                           1/

#unzip -d $HOME

# jruby bin/razor-admin -e production migrate-database


  1. Set the following environmental variable:

#cat /root/.bashrc

export TORQUEBOX_HOME=$HOME/torquebox-3.0.1




  1. Installing the database

Razor uses PostgreSQL as its database server. To configure the database, follow the steps:

# yum remove postgresql postgresql-server

 # curl -O

# rpm -ivh pgdg-centos94-9.4-1.noarch.rpm

# service postgresql-9.4 initdb

# chkconfig postgresql-9.4 on

Login as psql user and verify the table entry:



  1. Installing the microkernel

Download a pre-built microkernel from The microkernel is based on Fedora 19. The microkernel needs to be manually put into your repo_store_root directory and cannot be added using the API. If you downloaded the prebuilt microkernel above, simply extract it into your repo_store_root directory. Doing so will create a subdirectory called microkernel with its contents.

#cd /var/lib/razor/repo-store        

           # wget

           # tar xvf razor-microkernel-latest.tar

           #cd microkernel

           # ls

              initrd0.img  README  SHA256SUM  SHA256SUM.sig  vmlinuz0          

  1. Configuring the database

Edit the /opt/razor/config.yaml and change the database URL setting. Once that is done, you can load the Razor database schema into your PostgreSQL database, and finally start the service:



Ensure that you have the following line: repo_store_root: /var/lib/razor/repo-store

placed under /opt/razor/config.yaml. Verify that razor-server service is in running state:

#service razor-server status

razor-server is running (pid 1380)

After you’ve followed one of the above installation methods, you should be able to go to http://localhost:8080/api and get the API entry point that will give you a JSON document that talks about collections and commands.

  1. Setting up PXE


# wget

#  cp undionly-20140116.kpxe /var/lib/tftpboot

# cp bootstrap.ipxe /var/lib/tftpboot



  1. Configuring DNSMASQ

Set the following configuration under /etc/dnsmasq.conf.

# This works for dnsmasq 2.45

# iPXE sets option 175, mark it for network IPXEBOOT




# TFTP setup




This completes with the razor server configuration. Now let’s create a new VM and try to PXE boot.





As you see above, the new VM listened to net1 interface and acquired IP address from DHCP server. Next, Razor discovers its characteristics by booting it with the Razor microkernel and inventorying its facts. Meanwhile, you can check the status of nodes as shown below:



As you see above, as of now there is no provisioning elements created for the new PXE booted VM. It’s time to create the provisioning elements of Razor. I have created a provisioning element for CentOS 6.5 x64 as shown below:


Creating Repository:

[root@puppetagent1 ~]# razor create-repo –name=CentOS6.5-Repo –iso-url http://                                                                    –task centos6

From http://localhost:8080/api:


     name: CentOS6.5-Repo


      url: —

     task: —

  command: http://localhost:8080/api/collections/commands/1

Creating broker

[root@puppetagent1 ~]# razor create-broker –name foo –broker-type puppet-pe —                                                                             configuration ‘{ “server”: “” }’

From http://localhost:8080/api:


           name: foo

          broker-type: puppet-pe



          policies: 0

          command: http://localhost:8080/api/collections/commands/2

Creating Policy:


[root@puppetagent1 ~]# cat policy.json


                “name”: “test_node1”,

                “repo”: “Centos-6.4”,

                “task”: “centos”,

                “broker”: “pe”,

                “enabled”: true,

                “hostname”: “node${id}”,

                “root_password”: “razor123”,

                “max_count”: 20,

                “tags”: [“small”]



We are good to create a policy through the following command:

[root@puppetagent1 centos.task]# razor create-policy –name demo –repo CentOS6.5-Repo –hostname ‘host$(id)’ –root-password ‘dell01’ –broker foo –tag test –task centos

From http://localhost:8080/api:


       name: demo

       repo: CentOS6.5-Repo

       task: centos

      broker: foo

      enabled: true

      max_count: nil

      tags: test

     nodes: 0

    command: http://localhost:8080/api/collections/commands/6

Creating Tasks:

By default, razor is shipped with CentOS tasks under /opt/razor/tasks/centos.task

Once you successfully create policy, you can see the below output:

# razor nodes

From http://localhost:8080/api/collections/nodes:



| name  | dhcp_mac          | tags | policy | metadata count |


| node1 | 00:0c:29:04:a1:ad | test | —    | 0              |



Query an entry by including its name, e.g. `razor nodes node1`

To get the detailed information about the node1, run the following command:

#razor nodes <node name> facts





Finally after few minutes, a new CentOS 6.5 VM comes up.

Wrapping Up

Razor provides real-time inventory data for every hardware node. Its auto-discovered ability eliminates inefficient, error-prone manual process. Razor effective uses IT defined policy to specify the desired state of each hardware node and its operating system, automatically tracks provisioning progress toward this state, and can even decide when to re-provision. This gives you full control over a node’s boot sequence and a complete log of its lifecycle. With RESTful open APIs, Razor gives you full programmatic control of the rules and models that govern operating system image selection and hardware provisioning.



Razor microkernel:

Next Gen Provisioning:

[This article was selected for publication under the nationwide OSFY India Jan Edition]

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Ajeet Raina Ajeet Singh Raina is a former Docker Captain, Community Leader and Distinguished Arm Ambassador. He is a founder of Collabnix blogging site and has authored more than 700+ blogs on Docker, Kubernetes and Cloud-Native Technology. He runs a community Slack of 9800+ members and discord server close to 2600+ members. You can follow him on Twitter(@ajeetsraina).
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