Welcome to the Collabnix Weekly Updates! We bring you a curated list of the latest DevOps tutorials, sample apps, events, Podcasts and videos.
Welcoming Hacktoberfest !!
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open-source projects, their maintainers, and the entire community of contributors. This event is all about giving back to the community and celebrating all things open source. We’d like to invite you to celebrate Hacktoberfest with us and contribute to the Docker Community Extensions. Learn More
Interested in submitting an article?
Drop your comments on Twitter and we would be happy to include them in the upcoming weekly updates.
New Blogs:
- 9 Tips for Containerizing Your Node.js Application
- Containerizing a Slack Clone App Built with the MERN Stack
- Bring Continuous Integration to Your Laptop With the Drone CI Docker Extension
- How to Develop and Deploy a Customer Churn Prediction Model Using Python, Streamlit, and Docker
Community Repositories:
- Docker x Hacktoberfest 2022
- Docker Extensions
- Docker Developer Tools
- Kubernetes Tutorials
- Kubernetes Tools
- Docker Labs
Docker Developer Community Blogs:
- Docker Multistage Builds for Hugo
- How to create a dockerized Nuxt 3 development environment
- How to use the keycloak latest tag instead of the legancy tag, in you docker-compose.
- Open Telemetry in NestJs (and React)
- Optimize Dockerfile images for NextJS
- Rapid Prototyping Using Terraform, GitHub Action, Docker and Streamlit in GCP
Upcoming Events:
New Videos:
- Celebrating Hacktoberfest with Docker
- Open Source Community Conference(OSCONF) 2022
- Introducing RedisInsight Docker Extension – A Single-Click Redis GUI Installer for Docker Desktop
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