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Docker and Wasm – Better Together

AssemblyScript boilerplate for Docker+Wasm

Estimated reading: 1 minute 143 views

This is AssemblyScript boilerplate that works in Docker+Wasm.


  1. Compiles straight into wasm.
  2. Doesn’t require any runtime inside docker.
  3. Generated docker image weights 3.33kB.


  1. Clone repo.
  2. Run/look into run.ps1.


  • Docker+Wasm (at the moment of making this repo just released as beta).
  • [optional] PowerShell for execution of run script.

What next?

  1. I’d like to introduce HTTP server inside, so that this boilerplate is a microservice ready to be filled with domain logic, but there are some issues with WASI direction in AS. Whatever i support any side of the conflict, doesn’t matter, in the current state of the WASI in AS it’s too much hustle to implement HTTP server so i’m waiting until situation is resolved or alternatives are implemented.
  2. Some kind of tests boilerplate can be added. You are welcome to do so.


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AssemblyScript boilerplate for Docker+Wasm

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