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Lab 5: Building Docker Extension from Scratch

Running Neo4j Docker Extension

Estimated reading: 1 minute 146 views

Neo4j is a highly scalable, robust native graph database. It is more suitable for certain big data and analytics applications than row and column databases or free-form JSON document databases for many use cases. A graph database is used to represent relationships.


With this Docker Extension, once can setup the Neo4j with just a few commands/clicks.

This is Work-in-progress

  •  Building Compose File
  • [] Constructing UI
  • [] Final Testing

Getting Started

  • Docker Desktop 4.8+

Clone the repo

 git clone

Building the Extension

 make install-extension

Install the Extension

 docker extension install ajeetraina/neo4j-docker-extension:1.0         

Open Docker Dashboard to see Neo4j Docker Extension already up and running.

Connecting to the local database

Use neo4j/neo4j as username/password.


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Running Neo4j Docker Extension

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