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Docker Secrets Management

Step 3. Access the secret within an app

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In this step you’ll deploy a service and grant it access to the secret. You’ll then exec on to a task in the service and view the unencrypted contents of the secret.

Perform the following commands from a manager node in the Swarm and be sure to remember that the outputs of the commands might be different in your lab. E.g. service tasks in your lab might be scheduled on different nodes to those shown in the examples below.

  1. Create a new service and attach the sec1 secret.
  node1$ docker service create --name sec-test --secret="sec1" redis:alpine

This command creates a new service called sec-test. The service has a single task (container), is given access to the sec1 secret and is based on the redis:alpine image.

  1. Verify the service is running.
  node1$ docker service ls
  ID             NAME       MODE         REPLICAS   IMAGE
  p858ush7oeei   sec-test   replicated   1/1        redis:alpine
  1. Inspect the sec-test service to verify that the secret is associated with it.
  node1$ docker service inspect sec-test
        "ID": "p858ush7oeei8647na2xa12sc",
        "Version": {
            "Index": 116
        "CreatedAt": "2017-03-21T19:37:52.254797962Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2017-03-21T19:37:52.254797962Z",
        "Spec": {
            "Name": "sec-test",
            "TaskTemplate": {
                "ContainerSpec": {
                    "Image": "redis:alpine@sha256:9cd405cd...fb4ec7bdc3ee7",
                    "DNSConfig": {},
                    "Secrets": [
                            "File": {
                                "Name": "sec1",
                                "UID": "0",
                                "GID": "0",
                                "Mode": 292
                            "SecretID": "ftu76ghgsk7f9fmcrj3wx3xcd",
                            "SecretName": "sec1"

The output above shows that the sec1 secret (ID:ftu76ghgsk7f9fmcrj3wx3xcd) is successfully associated with the sec-test service. This is important as it is what ultimately grants tasks within the service access to the secret.

  1. Obtain the name of any of the tasks in the sec-test service (if you’ve been following along there will only be one task running in the service).
  //Run the following docker service ps command to see which node
  the service task is running on.

  node1$ docker service ps sec-test
  ID          NAME        IMAGE         NODE    DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE   
  9qqp...htd  sec-test.1  redis:alpine  node1   Running        Running 8 mins..

  //Log on to the node running the service task (node1 in this example, but
    might be different in your lab) and run a docker ps command.

  node1$ docker ps --filter name=sec-test
  CONTAINER ID    IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED   STATUS      PORTS      NAMES
  5652c1688f40    redis@sha256:9cd..c3ee7   "docker-entrypoint..."   15 mins   Up 15 mins  6379/tcp   sec-test.1.9qqp...vu2aw

You will use the CONTAINER ID from the output above in the next step.

NOTE: The two commands above start out by listing all the tasks in the sec-test service. Part of the output of the first command shows the NODE that each task is running on – in the example above this was a single task running on node1. The next command (docker ps) lists all running containers on node1 and filters the results to show just the containers where the name starts with sec-test – this means that only containers (tasks) that are part of the sec-test service are displayed.

  1. Use the docker exec command to get a shell prompt on to the sec-test service task. Be sure to substitute the Container ID in the command below with a the container ID form your environment (see output of previous step).
  node1$ docker exec -it 5652c1688f40 sh

The data# prompt is a shell prompt inside the service task.

  1. List the contents of the container’s /run/secrets directory.
  node1$ ls -l /run/secrets
  total 4
  -r--r--r--  1   root   root     10 Mar 21 19:37 sec1

Secrets are only shared to service tasks/containers that are granted access to them, and the secrets are shared with the service task via the TLS connections that already exists between nodes in the Swarm. Once a node has a secret it mounts it as a regular file into an in-memory filesystem inside the authorized service task (container). This file is mounted at /run/secrets with the same name as the secret. In the example above, the sec1 secret is mounted as a file called sec1.

  1. View the unencrypted contents of the secret.
  node1$ cat /run/secrets/sec1
  secrets are important

It’s important to note several things about this unencrypted secret.

  • The secret is only made available to services that have been specifically granted access to it (in our example this was via the docker service create command).
  • The secret is issued to the service task by a manager in the Swarm via a mutually authenticated TLS connection.
  • Service tasks and nodes cannot request a secret – secrets are always issued to the node/task by a manager as part of a service deployment or update.
  • Secrets are only ever mounted to in-memory filesystems inside of authorized containers/tasks and are never persisted to disk on worker nodes or containers.
  • Nodes do not have access to the unencrypted secret.
  • Other tasks and containers on the same node do not get access to the secret.
  • As soon as a node is no longer running a task for a service it will delete the secret from memory.
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Step 3. Access the secret within an app

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