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Docker Secrets Management

Step 4. Cleaning Up

Estimated reading: 1 minute 121 views

In this step you will remove all secrets and services,as well as clean up any other artifacts created in this lab.

  1. Remove all services on the host.

    This command will remove all services on your Docker host. Only perform this step if you know you know you do not need any of the services running on your system.

    $ docker service rm $(docker service ls -q)
  2. Remove all secrets on the host.

    This command will remove all secrets on your Docker host. Only perform this step if you know you will not use these secrets again.

    $ docker secret rm $(docker secret ls -q)
  3. If you haven;t already done so, delete the file that you used as the source of the secret data in Step 1. The lab assumed this was node1 in your lab.

    $ rm sec.txt
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Step 4. Cleaning Up

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