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Tanvir Kour Tanvir Kour is a passionate technical blogger and open source enthusiast. She is a graduate in Computer Science and Engineering and has 4 years of experience in providing IT solutions. She is well-versed with Linux, Docker and Cloud-Native application. You can connect to her via Twitter

Integrating DevOps with Algorithmic Forex Trading: Ways to Improve Stability and Scalability

2 min read

Forex trading is an extremely dynamic industry reaching more and more people in different regions. Forex growth can be explained by the increase in the number of participants and the introduction of new technologies. Algorithmic Forex trading has allowed trading to reach a fundamentally new level and increase the number of transactions made every second. Still, with all the advantages of automated trading, it faces some challenges. More intensive involvement of DevOps in this work could solve many problems that arise when working with trading software.

Key Challenges in Algorithmic Forex Trading Systems

  •  A trader’s success depends on the algorithms included in trading software. If the developers make mistakes, users will suffer significant losses.
  • Even the most advanced trading algorithms involve a certain risk. Comprehensive testing of algorithms and training of AI trading robots on a large amount of data significantly mitigate these risks.
  • Deploying algorithmic trading strategies in real markets can reveal problems not noticed during software testing.
  • Backtesting can be ineffective due to a phenomenon called overfitting. In this case, the strategy shows excellent results on historical data but cannot achieve the same performance indicators in the current situation.
  • Using too many indicators and other technical analysis tools when programming trading bots also leads to overfitting.
  • Poor quality of data used in software testing leads to a discrepancy between the declared effectiveness of the software and its achievements in real trading.

Benefits of Integrating DevOps into Algorithmic Forex Trading

The ideal EA robot should show the same level of performance as stated in its accompanying documentation. DevOps specialists unite the tasks of development and effective operation of software in real conditions. They can make a significant contribution to the improvement of trading bots and increasing customer satisfaction:

  • Reducing the development cycle of new bots based on innovative technologies;
  • Automating processes that are still performed manually by developers;
  • Speeding up responses to customer requests or criticism;
  • Increasing the security of trading bots;
  • Involving the best traders in the work of creating software;
  • Promoting new products to the market, etc.

Ways to Improve Stability and Scalability through DevOps

●     Improving the monitoring system. DevOps maintain contact with end users. This allows them to quickly identify deficiencies in the bots’ operation and initiate software revision by programmers.

●     DevOps are involved in building and deploying trading software. If monitoring of its execution shows low results, developers will change the signal parameters, configurations, and other characteristics of the software.

●     DevOps interacts with all participants in the trading software market – developers, brokers, traders, trading platforms, etc. Thanks to this, they build relationships of cooperation, not confrontation.

●     DevOps can initiate the development of new technological solutions for trading. They are well aware of all the innovations in the market. And if some important features are missing in their company’s software, they start improving it to increase sales.

●     DevOps are studying new markets for which the company will offer algorithmic Forex trading software. This allows scaling the activities of traders and the development company.

Challenges in Implementing DevOps for Forex Trading

The main problem is related to the high demands placed on DevOps specialists. They must have knowledge in programming and trading. Moreover, they must be active, communicative, and prone to continuous self-education. Finding such specialists in the labor market is not easy.

The second important problem is related to retaining such specialists in companies. To do this, the company will have to offer them a more attractive salary than competitors. This can lead to increased competition for good DevOps and an unjustified inflation of their salaries.


Algorithmic Forex trading is of great interest to traders due to the efficiency of advanced EA robots. However, shortcomings in the software can undermine traders’ trust in this technology and worsen the reputation of the developer company. DevOps can become the link that will help easily scale the best trading practices and quickly eliminate shortcomings. Therefore, their integration with algorithmic Forex trading is beneficial for traders, brokers, trading platforms, and software development companies.

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Tanvir Kour Tanvir Kour is a passionate technical blogger and open source enthusiast. She is a graduate in Computer Science and Engineering and has 4 years of experience in providing IT solutions. She is well-versed with Linux, Docker and Cloud-Native application. You can connect to her via Twitter

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