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Avinash Bendigeri Avinash is a developer-turned Technical writer skilled in core content creation. He has an excellent track record of blogging in areas like Docker, Kubernetes, IoT and AI.

The Importance of Two-Factor Authentication and How to Use It

3 min read

Two-factor authentication (2FA), also known as two-step authentication, is a form of security measure for online activities, particularly those with personal accounts that are password protected. As its name suggests, this tech adds a second layer of protection, effectively securing digital assets with a more stringent verification process. This is important for web security so that no one can hack into anyone’s account quickly. Even if a scammer breaks the initial password, the second authentication factor is needed for full access.

 For example, if a student requests an online writing portal to write my essay for me, a 2FA process could be enforced to keep her personal and payment details safe. In that way, no one will ever know that she asked for assistance, and her credit card info or online wallet details are secure with ironclad protection. In this article, learn how 2FA strengthens digital security by keeping data safe and confidential, especially with the proliferation of hackers. 


What is Two-Factor Authentication

When an individual signs up for anything online, from email and social media profiles to online banking, the basic authentication level requires a password. This standard password log-in is step one, but it’s less secure than two-step authentication. In the latter, a second step is needed for anyone to access their online account. The authenticator requires a second piece of information after successfully inputting a correct password. It could be something a person knows (like a numeric code), a person has (like a security USB token or phone), or is inherent in the person (like biometrics).

Since this 2FA technology needs two kinds of data that are not connected, there’s less risk that a hacker will have access to both. Usually, the second information or authentication type depends on the online service. It varies whether it’s for a bank, insurance provider, iCloud, Gmail, Facebook, etc. Essentially, whatever app or service a person logs onto is double-checking if the access request truly comes from the owner by confirming the login with another tool. 

How Does 2FA Work

The owner must type the correct username and password to gain access successfully. Then the site automatically sends a request for the second information. The second factor can be in the form of any of the following: 

  • Use of a one-time numeric verification code sent via text message or email 
  • Google authenticator prompt, which can be tapped on a device to verify the account
  • A security token or key is usually purchased separately
  • Exhibit a biometric factor like a fingerprint or face ID

The user can only succeed after the second information is authenticated. However, if that piece is missing, account entry is denied. This means that even if hackers gain knowledge of a person’s password, they will be locked out without completing the next authentication level. 

To illustrate, if the same student mentioned in the example above receives a message asking for verification on the online portal she uses to write my essays, but she hasn’t tried to log on, her account will remain safe. However, the student should change passwords immediately because it’s evident that someone else is trying to gain control and breach security. Remember that with 2FA, access will never be obtained until the correct password and second authentication factor are provided. 


Reasons to Implement Two-Factor Authentication

Even the most robust passwords with a combination of alphabets, symbols, and letters can fail, be leaked, or be breached by desperate digital thieves. Hackers have innovative ways to crack them. However, if 2FA is enforced, even if others know the password, they can’t readily access the account. Setting up this technology for various online sites or apps is crucial for digital security. Check out the reasons everyone must take implement this security feature: 

  1. Beefs Up Security: When 2FA is implemented, it adds an added layer of security to online accounts. Hackers cannot readily infiltrate even if they have the password without entering the correct factor. It may be an online code, key, or biometric. This is especially important for securing sensitive data like social security numbers, credit card details, bank accounts, etc.  
  2. Turns Off Hackers: Scammers prefer an easy target because they can cash in immediately without much hassle. Hence, they veer away from systems with multi-factorial protection because it’s more trouble than it’s worth. If they have to spend a lot of time cracking two authentication steps, they have more chances of failing and getting caught.  
  3. Put a Damper on Phishing: Social-engineering tactics like phishing are rampant today. Phishers target vulnerable users and trick them into giving personal data or information of people close to them. Even with security awareness, some well-meaning people become victims of phishers who gain access to passwords. But with 2FA in place, these conmen will have a more challenging time infiltrating accounts. 
  4. Works Everywhere With Device Access: A major perk of this technology is that online sites or apps that identify a phone or tablet as the second key will use that. This means users don’t have to remember several sets of passwords. This tech makes it convenient because an individual only needs the first password plus the second authenticating device. Of course, protecting the device also becomes paramount since it’s an access method to the account. 
  5. Easy Set-Up: Significant services like banks, Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Paypal, Instagram, Twitter, etc., offer 2FA for free. It’s easy to set up and takes a few minutes for most accounts. Why scrimp on this step when it’s already there for the taking? With so many scammers who steal identities and pilfer money, securing accounts that contain sensitive information is paramount.

Final Thoughts

Most websites and apps have implemented two-step authentication. Those who haven’t taken advantage of it must switch to this system before it’s too late. Don’t become a victim of online hackers by enforcing 2FA wherever possible. Doing so is the responsible thing to do as it will amplify digital security by leaps and bounds. 

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Avinash Bendigeri Avinash is a developer-turned Technical writer skilled in core content creation. He has an excellent track record of blogging in areas like Docker, Kubernetes, IoT and AI.

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