Pycograph is an open source tool that creates a Graph model of your Python code. The tool lets you to explore your Python codebase with graph queries. With Pycograph, you can query the python code with Cypher. The project is hosted over and package is available in PyPI repository. It was introduced for the first time by Reka Horvath. I was lucky to be one of the contributor for this project.
Let us see how to explore Python code using Pycograph and RedisGraph below:
Step 1. Install Docker
curl -sSL | sh
Step 2. Install Pycograph from PyPI
pip install pycograph
Step 3. Start RedisGraph Module
The redislabs/redismod Docker image provides you all the essential Redis modules.
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redislabs/redismod
Step 4. Run RedisInsight
docker run -d -v redisinsight:/db -p 8001:8001 redislabs/redisinsight:latest
Step 5. Load a sample Python code
We will be using a popular Docker compose project for our sample python code. Clone the Docker Compose project repository
git clone
Step 6. Load Python Code
Load your project’s code with the pycograph load command:
pycograph load --project-dir compose
Graph successfully updated.
{'graph name': 'compose', 'nodes added': 2428, 'edges added': 11239}
Step 7. Visualize the project
Open RedisInsight, select RedisGraph on the left menu and run the below query:
Query #1: Return every node
You will see the below output:
Query #2: Return every non-test object
Query #3. Displaying the function behind the docker-compose up command
A query returning exactly one node using the unique full_name property. Double-click on the node to display all its relationships.
Query #4. Displaying the ‘docker-compose up’ and its calls relationships
Query #5. Displaying the ‘docker-compose up’ vs ‘docker-compose run’
Functions called by the Docker Compose top level commands up and run
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