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Ajeet Raina Ajeet Singh Raina is a former Docker Captain, Community Leader and Distinguished Arm Ambassador. He is a founder of Collabnix blogging site and has authored more than 700+ blogs on Docker, Kubernetes and Cloud-Native Technology. He runs a community Slack of 9800+ members and discord server close to 2600+ members. You can follow him on Twitter(@ajeetsraina).

5 Steps to Getting Your First Job as a Web Developer

3 min read

Every developer you know was once like you, a newbie in web development not knowing how to navigate their way in the industry, but they got to where they are now. So you can do the same too. Nobody is born with the gift of coding. It’s a learner skill that’s in very high demand. So, whether you’ve attended a Web development course, got a computer science degree, or taught yourself, the first thing is to acquire the skills to be a developer. 

As a starter, it can take a lot of work to land your first job as a web developer. After learning to code, what next? How do you reach out to hiring managers and make them understand that you’re good enough for a role in their company? What do you say at an interview to impress them? How will you even get to the interview stage? These are some of the battles that entry-level web developers face. 

However, it can be easy. First, you need to acquire the skills and get a strong resume from professionals at buy resume online to make you a more attractive prospect. Then follow the steps discussed in this article. 

1. Do your Research 

You can increase your chances of landing your first web development job through research. Start by learning about the steps you need to take at this stage of your career so that you can have a settled future in web development. It might not be enough to have coding skills. So what other things do you need to add to make you more attractive? In this industry, your skill and knowledge translate into your confidence. You’re more confident when speaking to employers because you know what you’re offering. That should be the goal. 

Also, you must be able to visualize the career you want to build for yourself. This helps you set clear goals and ensures you can continue improving. 

2. Continue learning new skills

There’s always more to learn in web development, and senior web developers can attest to this. As an entry-level developer, you’re yet to scratch the surface of things you still need to learn. While many learn on the job, not being with a job means you have more time to learn. Remember that the more you know, the more attractive you are to prospective employers and the more you’re confident. Having technical skills beyond what other entry-level developers have gives you a competitive edge over them and makes it relatively easier to land a job. In the web development industry, hirers only want to see what you offer. Show them you have more than required. 

3. Create projects for Experience and Your Portfolio

Start creating web development projects for yourself. They can be simple. Simple projects also help you learn, and they had to your experience. Also, you can always add your project to your portfolio. Make sure your project is something you can share publicly, such as a resume website or a professional blog. 

After creating projects that can be shared with the world, the next step is to publicize them. Add it to your portfolio, and your social media handles, especially your LinkedIn profile. Market the idea, but continue improving as time and ideas flow. These are things that prospective employers will see and become attracted to you. 

4. Join a Community

There are several web development communities that you can join online. Choose the most fitting ones based on the frameworks, CMS, or programming languages you’re working with. These communities give access to first-class information that can help your job search. It’s also an avenue for you to improve your skill. You can leverage senior developers’ knowledge, skill and experience within the community. You can also network and learn from them. 

You can also subscribe to tutorial websites and tech blogs on specific coding subjects to keep you fresh. You can attend hackathons, coding Bootcamp, web development conferences, offline meet-ups, etc. Being part of a community is crucial for networking, improving your skills, and getting the chance to bag freelance jobs that can boost your portfolio. 

5. Think Like Recruiters

If you’ve been freelancing and working on several projects, you may already feel experienced enough as a web developer to take up a junior or higher role. This will depend on how much freelancing work you’ve done because hiring managers are more interested in your knowledge of how websites work. Your community involvement and work, personally and freelancing, would prove your eagerness and motivation as a web developer. 

The next step is to think like a recruiter, which would reflect in your resume. Ensure to use keywords that are specific to the programming languages you work with. They want to see if you have enough experience in what they require, and they can only find you if you use the right keywords. 


Landing your first web developer job at a company might not be straightforward, nothing is, but it’s possible with these five steps.

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Ajeet Raina Ajeet Singh Raina is a former Docker Captain, Community Leader and Distinguished Arm Ambassador. He is a founder of Collabnix blogging site and has authored more than 700+ blogs on Docker, Kubernetes and Cloud-Native Technology. He runs a community Slack of 9800+ members and discord server close to 2600+ members. You can follow him on Twitter(@ajeetsraina).
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