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Ajeet Raina Ajeet Singh Raina is a former Docker Captain, Community Leader and Distinguished Arm Ambassador. He is a founder of Collabnix blogging site and has authored more than 700+ blogs on Docker, Kubernetes and Cloud-Native Technology. He runs a community Slack of 9800+ members and discord server close to 2600+ members. You can follow him on Twitter(@ajeetsraina).

Cloud-Native Development For Higher Education: Why Cloud-Native Is Key For Schools

2 min read

As per the latest CNCF report, more than 70 percent of companies in the US are focusing on cloud-native apps. What’s driving this significant growth? A rapid advancement goes beyond mere saving on infrastructure costs. It allows developers to build and scale existing apps much easier. Also, it’s much easier to meet the demands of each client, thanks to a wide array of on-demand tools and services. 

Schools can benefit from cloud-native technology in numerous ways. In addition, these benefits also influence the students, their lifestyle, and academic performance. In this article, we’re going to examine some of the most notable reasons why cloud-native technology is key for schools.

How cloud-native apps work?

One should imagine cloud-native applications like a group of smaller apps. that work together to create a unified piece of software. For a college, can mean having a plagiarism checker for professors working together with the university archive. Both apps are separate microservices that work together thanks to an API that binds them. This way, the users get a feeling of working with a monolithic app. While actually, we have several apps each located on a different cloud server. 

The difference between cloud-native apps and all other types of software architecture is that they don’t require on-site infrastructure. You can build one flexible and scalable app by combining several cloud-based apps. Best of all, each of these microservices or micro apps is isolated from the rest of the system. 

Bringing them all together

University services need to cover a wide array of student and faculty requirements and expectations. Digitization and automation of learning and teaching experience is a standard for years now. Managing school marketing, finance, and human resources are also much more efficient with software solutions. Finally, the university can benefit from managing grounds and facilities through an app. 

Thanks to microservices working together as one, it’s possible to build a cloud-native app that would cover all these needs. Moreover, scaling and introducing new services is much easier than with monolithic systems.

University apps become more stable and secure

University apps serve a large number of different users. therefore, stability is of utmost importance. Monolithic apps have a single point of failure. This means that when one part of the system goes down, the entire app won’t work. Microservices architecture of cloud-native apps prevents this from happening. As we mentioned, each service within a cloud-native app is isolated from the rest, with API binding them. This means that when there’s something wrong with one part of the app, the others can function uninterrupted. 

Moreover, finding the problem and fixing it is much easier when each block is on its own. you don’t have to go over volumes of code. In short, when one service stops working, it is easy to locate the problem and fix it while the rest of the system functions normally. This means that students might lose access to their schedule but still be able to go through the university library. 

Seamless scaling and upgrading

To provide better education and on-campus experience to students and professors, universities develop both digital and physical assets. The software development process is never easy or cheap, especially scaling an existing app. Scaling or upgrading a cloud-native app is seamless and efficient. Since each microservice is independent, you don’t have to change the entire application. It’s possible to work on a single service while leaving the others intact. 

What this means is that universities can save money on app development and make the process less painful. At the same time, while the developers are working on upgrades, students and faculty can access other services uninterrupted. There’s no need for on-site infrastructure, so scaling an app doesn’t include building additional infrastructure. The cost-effectiveness of cloud-native apps includes lesser energy consumption.


Schools are in constant need of software support to keep the wheels running perfectly. Automation and digitization of everything from teaching to property management demand better and cheaper solutions. Cloud-native technology is what every large system was waiting for all these years. This method of app development allows seamless digital growth. Bringing together learning, management, and security, into one flexible app is the optimal way to run a university. The growth of each academic institution depends on the ability to provide automated and digital services to students and teachers. With cloud-native services, this is possible with less effort and cost than ever before. 

Author Bio:

James Hughey is a freelance content dedicated to creating informative and entertaining content. His goal is to provide his audience with reading material that holds practical value. As a writer, James creates his pieces using actual and relevant sources of information.

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Ajeet Raina Ajeet Singh Raina is a former Docker Captain, Community Leader and Distinguished Arm Ambassador. He is a founder of Collabnix blogging site and has authored more than 700+ blogs on Docker, Kubernetes and Cloud-Native Technology. He runs a community Slack of 9800+ members and discord server close to 2600+ members. You can follow him on Twitter(@ajeetsraina).
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