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Avinash Bendigeri Avinash is a developer-turned Technical writer skilled in core content creation. He has an excellent track record of blogging in areas like Docker, Kubernetes, IoT and AI.

Connecting Containers to Multiple Networks in Docker: A Complete Guide

1 min read

Docker containers offer a lightweight and portable way to package applications. Often, an application might require connections to multiple networks to interact with different services or resources. Docker provides mechanisms to achieve this, enabling fine-grained control over network isolation and communication.

Understanding Docker Networks

By default, a container attaches to the docker0 network when created. You can create custom networks using docker network create and assign specific names. These networks, in this example, will be named webnet and dbnet, providing logical isolation between containers that connect to them.

Connecting Containers to Multiple Networks

There are two primary approaches to connect a container to multiple networks:

1. During Container Creation:

  • Use the --network flag multiple times with docker run to specify the networks the container should join at startup.
docker run -itd --net webnet --net dbnet --name my_container busybox sh

2. After Container Creation:

  • For containers that require network configuration before launch, use docker create to create the container with an initial network.
  • Employ docker network connect to attach additional networks to the created container.
  • Finally, start the container with docker start.
docker create -it --net webnet --name my_container busybox sh
docker network connect dbnet my_container
docker start my_container

Verifying Network Attachments

Once a container is connected to multiple networks, you can verify the configuration within the container:

1. Access the container’s shell:

docker exec -it my_container sh

2. List network interfaces:


You’ll see multiple eth interfaces corresponding to each attached network (likely named eth0 and eth1 in this case).

3. View routing information:

ip route

This command displays the routing table, indicating which network interface handles traffic for different IP address ranges.

Benefits of Multi-Network Connections

Connecting containers to multiple networks offers several advantages:

  • Improved Isolation: Separate networks (like webnet and dbnet) isolate container traffic, preventing unwanted interactions between web applications and databases.
  • Enhanced Control: You can define specific network access rules for each container, aligning with application requirements (e.g., allowing web applications in webnet to access databases in dbnet but restricting access to other networks).
  • Flexibility: Containers can communicate with services on different networks based on their needs (e.g., a web application can access a database while also communicating with external services).


Docker’s capability to connect containers to multiple networks empowers you to design effective and secure application architectures with controlled communication channels. By understanding the concepts and practical steps involved, you can leverage this feature to optimize your Docker environment.

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Avinash Bendigeri Avinash is a developer-turned Technical writer skilled in core content creation. He has an excellent track record of blogging in areas like Docker, Kubernetes, IoT and AI.

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