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Arsheen Kour Arsheen is a blogger, an avid learner and a passionate Individual committed towards achieving goals. She is an Open Source Enthusiast ready to apply and enhance skills of being an IT Engineer. She started exploring Docker, Kubernetes and IoT space in the recent past. You can follow her on LinkedIn.

How is GenAI different from ChatGPT?

2 min read

Hey there, AI enthusiasts! Have you ever stumbled upon the terms GenAI and ChatGPT and wondered what sets them apart? While both deal with the fascinating world of generative AI, there are key distinctions to understand. Let’s break it down in a way that’s clear and concise!

What is Generative AI?

Imagine a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that anyone can use, even without coding knowledge. Generative AI is here, and it’s revolutionizing how we interact with AI technology.

Unlike traditional AI that requires programming languages like Java or SQL, Generative AI works with plain English. You simply provide a text prompt, a sentence describing what you want, and the AI generates creative text formats, images, or even code! This makes AI use more democratic, opening doors for anyone with an idea to leverage its power.

The potential applications are vast. Need help writing a report or summarizing information? Generative AI can assist. Want to create unique images or brainstorm code ideas? This technology can be your partner. Generative AI promises to significantly impact various fields, offering solutions and speeding up processes in mere seconds.

Generative AI (Broader category):

  • Focus: Generating original content of various formats (text, code, images) based on prompts.
  • Applications: Wide range, including creative writing, code generation, data analysis report writing, image creation, etc.
  • Technical details: Generative AI models are trained on massive datasets of text, code, or images and use techniques like deep learning to learn patterns and generate novel outputs.


ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a shining star within the GenAI world. ChatGPT is a specific implementation of Generative AI, focused on conversational interactions. It is a specific type of Generative AI, but designed specifically for conversational interactions. Developed by OpenAI, it’s essentially a large language model (LLM) trained on a massive dataset of text and code to excel in understanding context and generating responses that are relevant and coherent to a conversation. Here’s a breakdown of its key features:

  • Focus: Simulating human conversation through text. It can answer your questions in a comprehensive and informative way, and even follow your instructions to complete tasks like writing different creative text formats (emails, poems, scripts) or translating languages.
  • Capabilities:
    • Respond to a wide range of prompts and questions in a human-like way.
    • Generate different creative text formats based on your instructions.
    • Summarize factual topics.
  • Strengths: Understanding context within a conversation and responding accordingly.
  • Limitations:
    • May not always provide factual accuracy, especially for complex or subjective topics.
    • Can be biased based on the data it was trained on.
    • May not be able to understand or respond perfectly to nuanced or sarcastic language.

Benefits of ChatGPT:

  • Improved accessibility of AI: Anyone can interact with ChatGPT through prompts, making AI technology more user-friendly.
  • Enhanced communication: ChatGPT can be used to create chatbots or virtual assistants that can handle basic inquiries and customer service tasks.
  • Boosted creativity: It can help with brainstorming ideas, writing different creative content formats, or overcoming writer’s block.
  • Increased efficiency: ChatGPT can summarize information or translate languages, saving you time and effort.

Overall, ChatGPT is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to interact with AI for conversation, creative text generation, or basic information gathering. However, it’s important to be aware of its limitations and use it with a critical mind.

Here’s a table to summarize the key differences:

ScopeBroader field of generative AISpecific model within GenAI
FocusDiverse AI skills (text, images, code)Primarily text-based generation (chat, writing)
ApplicationsWide range (creative content, code)Chatbots, content creation, summaries
ExampleGenerating different creative writing stylesWriting a news article in a specific tone

So, when to choose which?

  • Choose GenAI when you need a jack-of-all-trades approach for creating various content formats or manipulating data creatively.
  • Choose ChatGPT when your focus is on crafting engaging text content, like scripts, summaries, or interactive chatbots.

The Future of Generative AI

Both GenAI and ChatGPT are constantly evolving, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve. As these technologies develop, we can expect even more specialized models to emerge, further expanding the capabilities of generative AI.

Remember: This is just the beginning of the generative AI revolution! By understanding the differences between GenAI and ChatGPT, you’re well on your way to harnessing the power of AI for your creative and professional endeavours.

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Arsheen Kour Arsheen is a blogger, an avid learner and a passionate Individual committed towards achieving goals. She is an Open Source Enthusiast ready to apply and enhance skills of being an IT Engineer. She started exploring Docker, Kubernetes and IoT space in the recent past. You can follow her on LinkedIn.
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