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Srushti Vachhrajani Srushti Shah is an ambitious, passionate, and out-of-the-box thinking woman with vast exposure in Digital Marketing. Her key focus is to serve her clients with the latest innovation in her field leading to fast and effective results. Working beyond expectations and delivering the best possible results in her professional motto. Besides work, she loves traveling, exploring new things, and spending quality time with family. Reach out to Srushti Shah on Twitter(@srushti_13) or LinkedIn(srushti-shah)

Managing Containers with Kubernetes: Best Practices and Tools

3 min read

Software development has been transformed by containerization, which allows programmers to bundle code and dependencies into a single deployable artifact that can function reliably in various contexts.

Due to its ability to automate the deployment, scaling, and monitoring of containers across multiple hosts, Kubernetes has become the platform of choice for managing and monitoring containerized applications at scale.

Kubernetes makes container management simple and lowers the possibility of human error by utilizing a declarative configuration method.

The article will examine key observability, containerization, and monitoring technologies for Kubernetes. Developers can make sure that their containerized systems are scalable, dependable, and secure by adhering to some of these best practices and utilizing these tools. So let’s dive into it.

Managing Containers with Kubernetes: 5 Best Practices

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1. Create Kubernetes-compatible containerized applications

It’s crucial to adhere to certain containerization best practices while developing apps for Kubernetes, such as reducing dependencies, keeping containers small, and setting applications using environment variables.

To simplify managing and deploying apps, applications should be created to exploit Kubernetes capabilities like labels and annotations.

2. Efficiently scaling containers with Kubernetes

By adding or removing replicas, Kubernetes enables horizontal scaling of containers. Applications must be created to be scalable in order to decrease problems and handle greater traffic without experiencing any downtime.

To automatically change the number of replicas based on resource usage, Kubernetes offers two scaling methods. These are the horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA) and the vertical pod autoscaler (VPA).

3. Optimizing container resources management in Kubernetes

Kubernetes offers resource limitations and requests to make sure that containers have adequate resources to function properly. Requests specify the least amount of resources a container needs, whereas resource limits specify the highest amount a container can utilize.

Additionally, Kubernetes has Quality of Service (QoS) classes that can be used to rank containers according to their resource needs.

4. Offer high availability and fault tolerance

Kubernetes has various capabilities, including ReplicaSets and Deployments, for providing high availability and fault tolerance. Deployments offer rolling updates and rollbacks, whereas ReplicaSets make sure that a certain number of replicas are active at all times.

Additionally, Kubernetes offers tools like PodDisruptionBudgets (PDBs) and readiness probes to guarantee that applications are accessible even during maintenance or failures.

5. Securing your containerized applications on Kubernetes

Security is very important for containerized applications. Many security capabilities, including Pod Security Policies, Network Policies, and Secrets management, are offered by Kubernetes.

It’s crucial to adhere to recommended security procedures while utilizing containers, such as using images from reliable sources, setting privilege restrictions or access control models, and turning on security tools like SELinux or AppArmor.

Top Kubernetes Tools for Managing Containers

1. Kubernetes Dashboard

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Here, Kubernetes cluster management and monitoring are made possible through a web-based user interface. Along with in-depth details about pods, deployments, and services, it offers a comprehensive overview of the cluster and its resources. You can either use a web browser or Kubectl to access the dashboard.

Additionally, the Kubernetes Dashboard allows users to create and modify deployments, view logs, and execute commands within containers.

2. Helm Package Manager

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Helm is a Kubernetes package manager that streamlines the deployment and uniform management of apps. Helm provides charts, which are bundles of pre-configured Kubernetes resources that may be simply installed and upgraded. 

Helm makes it simple to customize apps by offering a templating engine for producing Kubernetes manifests. Moreover, Helm provides versioning and rollback capabilities, making it easy to revert to a previous version of an application if there are issues with a new deployment.

3. Prometheus

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Popular open-source monitoring tool Prometheus offers metrics-based alerts and monitoring for Kubernetes clusters. Prometheus can be used to monitor Kubernetes resources such as pods, services, and nodes, as well as custom metrics provided by applications.

Grafana, for example, may be connected with Prometheus to create dashboards and visualize metrics. Prometheus also provides a query language called PromQL, which enables users to perform advanced queries and aggregate metrics across different Kubernetes namespaces or clusters.

4. Kubectl 

Kubectl is the primary command-line tool for controlling Kubernetes clusters. It can be used to manage cluster resources, verify the status of services and pods, and deploy and manage applications. Several plugins and extensions can be used with Kubectl to expand its functionality.

In addition, you can use Kubectl to scale the number of deployment replicas, modify an application’s configuration, and create and manage Kubernetes resources like ConfigMaps, Secrets, and Services.

5. Istio

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The Kubernetes clusters can use the features provided by this open-source service mesh management platform. Security, service discovery, and traffic control are some of these features.

Observability features like distributed tracing and monitoring are also offered by Istio. It can be used to carry out these tasks, enforce policies, and manage communication amongst microservices.

Istio also enables users to test new versions of an application in production while minimizing risk. It can be integrated with well-known observability tools like Middleware, Jaeger and Prometheus to provide in-depth insights into the behavior of microservices in a Kubernetes cluster. Istio also offers fine-grained control over traffic routing and canary releases.

6. Some Other Tools

Developers may manage containerized applications in a scalable and effective manner with the aid of Kubernetes, a potent container orchestration platform. Kubernetes may be improved in terms of performance and functionality by utilizing a number of helpful tools.

Some other useful Kubernetes tools include:

  • Kube-state-metrics: Kube-state-metrics, which provides details on the status of Kubernetes objects like pods and nodes, is one such tool. Kubernetes cluster monitoring and debugging are two uses for this tool in particular.
  • Calico: Calico is another helpful tool for Kubernetes, providing network regulations and safe communication between pods. This is crucial to ensure the isolation and security of containerized applications.
  • Fluentd: To gather and examine logs generated by containers, Kubernetes can be used with the logging tool Fluentd. This facilitates quicker problem detection and resolution for developers.
  • Jaeger: A distributed tracing platform that can be incorporated with Kubernetes to offer insights into the functionality of microservices.

In the world of application development and deployment, containerization has completely changed the game. Kubernetes has evolved to become the industry standard for managing containerized applications at scale.

Summing up

Organizations can deliver software more quickly and reliably while also enhancing collaboration and lowering the risk of errors with the help of Kubernetes for container orchestration and the adoption of strong DevOps practices. This will free up developers to concentrate on innovation and generating business value.

By adhering to best practices for managing containers and using essential tools for monitoring, containerization, and observability, developers can ensure that their containerized applications run smoothly and are easy to manage at scale.

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Srushti Vachhrajani Srushti Shah is an ambitious, passionate, and out-of-the-box thinking woman with vast exposure in Digital Marketing. Her key focus is to serve her clients with the latest innovation in her field leading to fast and effective results. Working beyond expectations and delivering the best possible results in her professional motto. Besides work, she loves traveling, exploring new things, and spending quality time with family. Reach out to Srushti Shah on Twitter(@srushti_13) or LinkedIn(srushti-shah)
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