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Ajeet Raina

  Bangalore Ajeet Singh Raina is a former Docker Captain, Community Leader and Distinguished Arm Ambassador. He is a founder of Collabnix blogging site and has authored more than 700+ blogs on Docker, Kubernetes and Cloud-Native Technology. He runs a community Slack of 9800+ members and discord server close to 2600+ members. You can follow him on Twitter(@ajeetsraina).


575 Stories by Ajeet Raina

How to run Oracle Database in a Docker Container using Docker Compose

Oracle Container Registry (OCR) is a private container registry provided by Oracle Corporation that allows users to store, distribute, and manage container images. OCR is...
2 min read

Turning ChatGPT into Docker Playground in 5 Minutes

ChatGPT is a highly advanced language model that can perform a wide range of natural language processing tasks with remarkable accuracy. It can act...
1 min read

How to deploy a static site using Mkdocs and Netlify

MkDocs is an open-source static site generator that is used to create documentation websites. It is written in Python and is built on top of...
6 min read

Getting Started with ChatGPT

What makes Chat GPT a powerful language model? ChatGPT is a powerful language model for several reasons: All of these features combined make ChatGPT...
4 min read

Running ChatGPT Client locally on Kubernetes Cluster using Docker Desktop

Join our Discord Server Pre-requisite Step 1. Install Docker Desktop Step 2. Enable Kubernetes Step 3. Writing the Dockerfile This Dockerfile uses python:3.8-slim-buster image,...
5 min read

A Beginner’s Guide to Docker Networking

For Docker containers to communicate with each other and the outside world via the host machine, there has to be a layer of networking...
13 min read

Running ChatGPT Client Locally using Docker Desktop

The short answer is “Yes!”. It is possible to run Chat GPT Client locally on your own computer. Here’s a quick guide that you...
3 min read

Using ChatGPT to Build an Optimised Docker Image using Docker Multi-Stage Build

GPT (short for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer”) is a type of language model developed by OpenAI. OpenAI is a nonprofit organisation based in San Francisco,...
3 min read

How to install and Configure NVM on Mac OS

nvm (Node Version Manager) is a tool that allows you to install and manage multiple versions of Node.js on your Mac. nvm is a...
1 min read

How to Become a Docker Captain?

If you are interested in becoming a Docker Captain, here are a few tips that might be useful: Becoming a Docker Captain requires a...
3 min read

5 Minutes to Memgraph using Docker Extension

Memgraph is a high-performance, distributed in-memory graph database. It is designed to handle large volumes of data and complex queries, making it suitable for...
4 min read

Unable to locate package google-chrome-stable

Learn how to solve the Dockerfile issue when building a containerised Web scraping tool using Python, Selenium, and Beautiful Soup on Apple M1 Pro.
1 min read

Top 5 Python Sandboxes To Choose From in 2022

6 min read

What’s New in Docker Desktop 4.15?

Docker Desktop 4.15 is now available for all platforms – Linux, Windows and macOS. It comes with Docker Compose v2.13.0, Containerd v1.6.10 and Docker Hub Tool v0.4.5 2 Major...
1 min read

Kubernetes Cheat Sheet 2022 Edition

10 min read

How to Build & Push Helm Chart to Docker Hub flawlessly

Learn how to build and push Helm Chart to Docker Hub using Docker Desktop
4 min read

How to Install the latest version of Docker Compose on Alpine Linux(in 2022)

Docker Compose V2 is the latest Compose version that went GA early this year during April 26, 2022. Compose V2 is the standard across...
1 min read

Install and Configure GitLab Runner on Kubernetes using Helm

GitLab Runner is a tool that helps run jobs and send the results back to GitLab. It is often used in continuous integration (CI)...
7 min read

HubScraper: A Docker Hub Scraper Tool built using Python, Selenium and Docker

  Web scraping has become increasingly popular in recent years, as businesses try to stay competitive and relevant in the ever-changing digital landscape. Nowadays...
9 min read

Fluentd – An Open-Source Log Collector

With 11,600 GitHub stars and 1,300 forks, Fluentd is an open-source data collector for unified logging layer. It is a cross-platform tool that allows...
12 min read

9 Best Docker and Kubernetes Resources for All Levels

If you’re a developer hunting for Docker and Kubernetes-related resources, then you have finally arrived at the right place. Docker is a suite of software...
5 min read

Getting Started with Docker and Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) is an official operating system for all models of the Raspberry Pi. We will be using Raspberry Pi...
3 min read

How to Import CSV data into Redis using Docker

CSV refers to “comma-separated values”. A CSV file is a simple text file in which data record is separated by commas or other types of...
3 min read

5 Steps to Getting Your First Job as a Web Developer

Every developer you know was once like you, a newbie in web development not knowing how to navigate their way in the industry, but...
3 min read

Integrated Search Capability in Docker Desktop to accelerate the Modern Application Development

MongoDB is a popular document-oriented database used to store and process data in the form of documents. In my last blog post, I talked about...
3 min read

How to Dockerize Machine Learning Applications Built with Streamlit and Python

Customer churn is a million-dollar problem for businesses today. The SaaS market is becoming increasingly saturated, and customers can choose from plenty of providers....
1 min read

Influence of IT on Modern Education: How DevOps Is Transforming Higher Education

When implemented correctly, DevOps has the potential to revolutionize education. A significant number of educators are making an effort to implement methods that DevOps...
2 min read

Docker and Wasm Containers – Better Together

Learn how Docker Desktop and CLI both manages Linux containers and Wasm containers side by side.
8 min read

What is DevSecOps and How does it work?

16 min read

Venturing into the world of Developer Experience (DX) | Docker Extension

Submit Your Extension
38 sec read

5 Important Rules for Learning Programming in 2022

Programming knows no boundaries in its development because every day, more and morecompanies need websites, companies, CRM systems, and much more. Programming studentsunderstand what...
3 min read

Celebrating Hacktoberfest with Docker Extensions

This post was originally posted by the author on Docker DEVCommunity site. Community is at the heart of what Docker does. From our Docker...
1 min read

Collabnix Community is Now on Discord !!

1 min read

What is ArgoCD?

It is a tool that will help read your environment configuration from your git repository and apply it to your Kubernetes namespaces.  App definitions,...
7 min read

Scaling DevOps to the Edge – Open Source Community Conference (OSCONF)

Learn how to scale DevOps to the Edge
1 min read

What are Kubernetes Pods and Containers? – KubeLabs Glossary

Why does Kubernetes use a Pod as the smallest deployable unit, and not a single container? While it would seem simpler to just deploy...
9 min read

Get Started with Kubernetes

2 min read

What’s New in Docker Desktop 4.9.1?

52 sec read

Kubernetes Networking 101

8 min read

A First Look at Docker Desktop for Linux

Download Docker Desktop for Linux
4 min read

What is Helm?

11 min read

Top 50 Essential Docker Developer Tools You Must be Aware Of

Access to Docker Developer Tools
3 min read

How To Use & Manage Kubernetes DaemonSets? – KubeLabs Glossary

  Join Collabnix Community Slack
3 min read

How to Connect to Remote Docker using docker context CLI

Listing the container Switching to the new context Listing the overall context
2 min read

Get Started with Docker

2 min read

Creating Your First React app using Docker Desktop

  React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It makes it painless to create interactive UIs. You can design simple views for...
1 min read

Docker Desktop 4.7.0 introduces the SBOM for Docker Images for the first time

Today, it’s hard to find any software built from the scratch. Most of the application built today uses the combination of components, development frameworks,...
4 min read

Unveiling Docker: The Revolutionary Tech Ruling the Digital World

Docker: Unleashing the Digital Titan of the Tech World
3 min read

The Rise of Low-Code/No-Code Application Platforms

Today organizations are experiencing the shortage of software developers and it is expected to hit businesses hard in 2022. Skilled developers are often in...
6 min read

Awesome-Compose: What It is and Why You Should Really Care About It

With over 14,700 stars, 2,000 forks, awesome-compose is a popular Docker repository that contains a curated list of Docker Compose samples. It helps developers learn about...
3 min read

Top Kubernetes Tools You Need for 2022 – Popeye

Thanks to Collabnix community members Abhinav Dubey and Ashutosh Kale for all the collaboration and contribution towards this blog post series. Kubernetes and cloud...
3 min read

5 Raspberry Pi Projects That Will Boost Your Child’s Coding Skills

The Raspberry Pi is powerful computer despite its size. This portable device comes with a CPU based on the Advanced RISC Machines ( ARM)...
3 min read

Getting Started with Argo CD on Docker Desktop

DevOps is a way for development and operations teams to work together collaboratively. It is basically a cultural change. Organizations adopt DevOps culture in...
4 min read

Demystifying Kubernetes in less than 100 slides

Did you know? There are 5.6 million developers using Kubernetes worldwide, representing 31% of all backend developers. 2022 will be an exciting year for...
25 sec read

Sensor Data Collection and Analytics – From IoT to Cloud in 5 Minutes

The BME680 is a digital 4-in-1 sensor with gas, humidity, pressure, and temperature measurement based on proven sensing principles. The state-of-the-art BME680 breakout lets...
3 min read

How to Deploy a Stateful Application using Kubernetes? – KubeLabs Glossary

A StatefulSet is a Kubernetes controller that is used to manage and maintain one or more Pods. However, so do other controllers like ReplicaSets and, the...
5 min read

The Rising Pain of Enterprise Businesses with Kubernetes

As enterprises accelerate digital transformation and adopt the Kubernetes ecosystem, their businesses are experiencing growing pains in multiple domains. As per the recent State...
46 sec read

How to Boot NVIDIA Jetson Nano from USB instead of SD card

Booting from a SD card is a traditional way of running OS on NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB model and it works really great. But...
3 min read

A Quick Look at the Kubernetes API Reference Docs and Concepts

The core of Kubernetes’ control plane is the API server and the HTTP API that it exposes. The Kubernetes API is the front end of...
2 min read

How to setup and run Redis in a Docker Container

Redis stands for REmote DIctionary Server. It is an open source, fast NoSQL database written in ANSI C and optimized for speed. Redis is an in-memory database that...
1 min read

Top 25 Active Chatrooms for DevOps Engineers like You

As the tech stacks are becoming more and more complex and business is moving at a fast pace, DevOps Teams worldwide are turning to...
1 min read

How to build a Sample Album Viewer application using Windows containers

This tutorial walks you through building and running the sample Album Viewer application with Windows containers. The Album Viewer app is an ASP.NET Core application, maintained...
3 min read

How to efficiently scale Terraform infrastructure?

Terraform infrastructure gets complex with every new deployment. The code helps you to manage the infrastructure uniformly. But as the organization grows, it itself becomes...
5 min read

What are Kubernetes Replicasets? – KubeLabs Glossary

How can you ensure that there are 3 Pods instances which are always available and running at one point in time? ReplicaSets are Kubernetes...
7 min read

Top 6 Docker Security Scanning Practices

When it comes to running containers and using Kubernetes, it’s important to make security just as much of a priority as development. The DevOps...
3 min read

Shipa Vs OpenShift: A Comparative Guide

With the advent of a popular PaaS like Red Hat OpenShift, developers are able to focus on delivering value via their product, not building...
6 min read

Top 5 Docker Myths and Facts That You Should be Aware of

  Today, every fast-growing business enterprise has to deploy new features of their app rapidly if they really want to survive in this competitive...
5 min read

How to control DJI Tello Mini-Drone using Python and Docker

If you want to take your drone programming skills to the next level, DJI Tello is the right product to buy. Tello is $99...
4 min read

5 Minutes to AI Data Pipeline

According to a recent Gartner report, “By the end of 2024, 75% of organizations will shift from piloting to operationalizing artificial intelligence (AI), driving...
2 min read

Getting Started with Terraform in 5 Minutes

Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows you to build, change, and version infrastructure safely and efficiently. This includes low-level components such as...
5 min read

Top 5 Effective Discord Bot For Your Server in 2022

Discord is one of the fastest-growing voice, video and text communication services used by millions of people in the world. It is the easiest...
3 min read

What is Kubernetes Scheduler and why do you need it? – KubeLabs Glossary

If you are keen to understand why Kubernetes Pods are placed onto a particular cluster node, then you have come to the right place....
5 min read

How to build and run a Python app in a container – Docker Python Tutorial

In May 2021, over 80,000 developers participated in StackOverFlow Annual Developer survey. Python traded places with SQL to become the third most popular language....
5 min read

5 Best Redis Tutorials and Free Resources for all Levels

If you’re a developer looking out for Redis related resources, then you have finally arrived at the right place. With more than 51,000 GitHub...
3 min read

Running Automated Tasks with a CronJob over Kubernetes running on Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop 4.1.1 got released last week. This latest version support Kubernetes 1.21.5 that was made available recently by the Kubernetes community. There were...
3 min read

How to setup GPS Module with Raspberry Pi and perform Google Map Geo-Location Tracking in a Real-Time

NEO-6M GPS Module with EPROM is a complete GPS module that uses the latest technology to give the best possible positioning information and includes...
7 min read

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

3 min read

How to Create a Perfect Resume for a Startup Company?

Creating a resume is the stepping stone and the biggest challenge you face as a fresh graduate.Many of them prefer entering startup companies to...
2 min read

Top Kubernetes Tools You Need for 2022- Devtron

Thanks to Collabnix community members Abhinav Dubey, Ashutosh Kale and Vinodkumar Mandalapu for all the collaboration and contribution towards these blog post series. What’s the biggest benefit you’ve seen for your...
4 min read

Top Kubernetes Tools You Need for 2021 – K3d and Portainer

Thanks to Collabnix community members Abhinav Dubey, Ashutosh Kale and Vinodkumar Mandalapu for all the collaboration and contribution towards this blog post series. In the last blog post, we...
6 min read

Getting Started with Docker and AI workloads on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Platform

If you’re an IoT Edge developer and looking out to build and deploy the production-grade end-to-end AI robotics applications, then check out a highly...
7 min read

Hack into the DJI Robomaster S1 Battle Bot in 5 Minutes

When I saw the RoboMaster S1 for the first time, I was completely stoked. I was impressed by its sturdy look. It’s a powerful...
3 min read

Building a Real-Time Crowd Face Mask Detection System using Docker on NVIDIA Jetson Nano

Did you know? Around 94% of AI Adopters are using or plan to use containers within 1 year time. Containers are revolutionizing a variety...
5 min read

Getting Started with Shipa

Are you frustrated with how much time it takes to create, deploy and manage an application on Kubernetes? Wouldn’t it be nice if you...
12 min read

How I visualized Time Series Data directly over IoT Edge device using Docker & Grafana

Application developers look to Redis and RedisTimeSeries to work with real-time internet of things (IoT) sensor data. RedisTimeseries is a Redis module to enhance...
3 min read

A First Look at Dev Environments Feature under Docker Desktop 3.5.0

Starting Docker Desktop 3.5.0, Docker introduced the Dev Environments feature for the first time. The Dev Environments feature is the foundation of Docker’s new...
3 min read

How to assemble DJI Robomaster S1 for the first time?

The RoboMaster S1 is an educational robot that provides users with an in-depth understanding of science, math, physics, programming, and more through captivating gameplay...
3 min read

Building Your First Jetson Container

The NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit is the ideal platform for teaching, learning, and developing AI and robotics applications. It uses the same...
7 min read

What You Should Expect From Collabnix Joint Meetup with JFrog & Docker Bangalore Event?

This June 19th, 2021, the Collabnix community is coming together with JFrog & Docker Bangalore Meetup Group to conduct a meetup event for DevOps...
1 min read

Kubectl for Docker Beginners

Kubectl is a command-line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters. kubectl looks for a file named config in the $HOME/.kube directory. You can specify other kubeconfig files...
3 min read

Running RedisInsight Docker container in a rootless mode

On a typical installation, the Docker daemon manages all the containers. The Docker daemon controls every aspect of the container lifecycle. Older versions of...
4 min read

Docker Compose now shipped with Docker CLI by default

Last year, Dockercon attracted 78,000 registrants, 21,000 conversations across 193 countries. This year, it was an even much bigger event attracting over 90,000+ attendees....
3 min read

Delivering Container-based Apps to IoT Edge devices | Dockercon 2021

Did you know? Dockercon 2021 was attended by 80,000 participants on the first day. It was an amazing experience hosting “Docker for IoT Edge...
1 min read

What are Kubernetes Pods? | KubeLabs Glossary

Kubernetes (commonly referred to as K8s) is an orchestration engine for container technologies such as Docker and rkt that is taking over the DevOps...
9 min read

Running a Web Browser in a Docker container

Are you still looking out for a solution that allows you to open multiple web browsers in Docker containers at the same time? Most...
1 min read

Running Minecraft in Rootless Mode under Docker 20.10.6

Rootless mode was introduced in Docker Engine v19.03 as an experimental feature for the first time. Rootless mode graduated from experimental in Docker Engine...
5 min read

Running RedisInsight using Docker Compose

RedisInsight is an intuitive and efficient GUI for Redis, allowing you to interact with your databases and manage your data—with built-in support for the...
2 min read

Getting Started with BME680 Sensor on NVIDIA Jetson Nano

The BME680 is a digital 4-in-1 sensor with gas, humidity, pressure, and temperature measurement based on proven sensing principles. The state-of-the-art BME680 breakout lets...
1 min read

How to run NodeJS Application inside Docker container on Raspberry Pi

This is the complete guide starting from all the required installation to actual dockerizing and running of a node.js application. But first of all,...
3 min read

OSCONF 2021: Save the date

OSCONF 2021 is just around the corner and the free registration is still open for all DevOps enthusiasts who want to remain abreast of...
1 min read

How I built the first ARM-based Docker Image on Pinebook using buildx tool?

The Pinebook Pro is a Linux and *BSD ARM laptop from PINE64. It is built to be a compelling alternative to mid-ranged Chromebooks that...
4 min read

Portainer Vs Rancher

According to Gartner “By 2024, low-code application development will be responsible for more than 65% of application development activity.” Low code development is a...
4 min read

Getting Started with NVIDIA Jetson Nano From Scratch

The NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit is the ideal platform for teaching, learning, and developing AI and robotics applications. It uses the same...
1 min read

Running Redis on Multi-Node Kubernetes Cluster in 5 Minutes

Redis is a very popular open-source project with more than 47,200 GitHub stars, 18,700 forks, and 440+ contributors.  Stack Overflow’s annual Developer Survey has ranked...
1 min read

2 Minutes to “Nuke” Your AWS Cloud Resources

Are you seriously looking out for a tool that can save your AWS bills while being a FREE tier user? If you’re one of...
3 min read

A New DockerHub CLI Tool under Docker Desktop 3.0.0

Docker Desktop is the preferred choice for millions of developers building containerized applications. With the latest Docker Desktop Community 3.0.0 Release, a new Hub CLI tool...
1 min read

Running RedisAI on NVIDIA Jetson Nano for the first time

The hardest part of AI is not artificial intelligence itself, but dealing with AI data. The accelerated growth of data captured from the sensors...
7 min read

A First Look at PineBook Pro – A 14” ARM Linux Laptop For Just $200

If you’re a FOSS enthusiast and looking out for a powerful little ARM laptop, PineBook Pro is what you need. The Pinebook Pro is...
3 min read

Introducing 2GB NVIDIA Jetson Nano: An Affordable Yet Powerful $59 AI Computer

Today at GPU Technology Conference(GTC) 2020, NVIDIA announced a new 2GB Nvidia Jetson Nano for the first time. Last year, during the March timeframe,...
2 min read

Running Docker Compose on NVIDIA Jetson Nano in 5 Minutes

Starting with v4.2.1, NVIDIA JetPack includes a beta version of NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration for the Jetson platform. This is essential because...
2 min read

5 Minutes to Kubernetes Architecture

Kubernetes (a.k.a K8s) is an open-source container-orchestration system which manages the containerised applications and takes care of the automated deployment, storage, scaling, scheduling, load...
2 min read

5 Reasons why you should attend ARM Dev Summit 2020

Register Here With 100+ sessions, 200+ speakers & tons of sponsors , Arm DevSummit is going to kick-off next month. It will take place...
4 min read

Running Minecraft Server on NVIDIA Jetson Nano using Docker

With over 126 million monthly users, 200 million games sold & 40 million MAU, Minecraft still remains one of the biggest games on the...
2 min read

A First Look at Portainer 2.0 CE – Now with Kubernetes Support

Irrespective of the immaturity of the container ecosystem and lack of best practices, the adoption of Kubernetes is massively growing for legacy modernization and...
6 min read

Deploy your AWS EKS cluster with Terraform in 5 Minutes

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (a.k.a Amazon EKS) is a fully managed service that helps make it easier to run Kubernetes on AWS. Through EKS,...
4 min read

From 1 to 9000: A Close Look at Collabnix Slack Journey

“Individually We Specialise, Together We Transform” Slack has grown to be an excellent tool for communities- both large and small, open and pay-to-access. Collabnix...
1 min read

Getting Started with Jenkins X in 5 Minutes

Jenkins works perfectly well as a stand-alone open source tool but with the shift to Cloud native and Kubernetes, it invites challenges in terms...
11 min read

Jenkins X Cloud Native CI/CD with TestProject

Building microservices isn’t merely breaking up a monolithic software application into a collection of smaller services. When shifting to microservices, there are best practices...
2 min read

The Rise of Shipa – A Continuous Operation Platform

Cloud native microservices have undergone an exciting architectural evolution. 4 years back, the industry was busy talking about the rise of microservice architecture where...
16 min read

Monitoring Multi-Node K3s Cluster running on IoT using Datadog – Part 1

The rapid adoption of cloud-based solutions in the IT industry is acting as the key driver for the growth of the internet of things...
4 min read

The Ultimate Docker Tutorial for Automation Testing

If you’re looking out for a $0 cloud-based, SaaS test automation development framework designed for your agile team, TestProject is the right choice for you....
57 sec read

How to migrate AWS ElastiCache data to Redis with Zero downtime

Are you looking out for a tool which can help you migrate Elasticache data to Redis Open Source or Redis Enterprise and that too...
3 min read

Building Your First Certified Kubernetes Cluster On-Premises, Part 2: – iSCSI Support

In my first post, I discussed how to build your first certified on-premises Kubernetes cluster using Docker Enterprise 3.0. In this post, I will...
9 min read

Top 50 Kubernetes Interview Questions For You

Kubernetes provides a container-centric management environment. It orchestrates computing, networking, and storage infrastructure on behalf of user workloads. This provides much of the simplicity...
31 min read

5 Minutes to RedisInsight running on Single Node Kubernetes Cluster on Docker Desktop for Mac

If you are looking out for a tool which can inspect your Redis data, monitor health, and perform runtime server configuration with a browser-based...
3 min read

Visualize Redis Open Source using Rebrow

If you are serious about monitoring your cluster health with real-time alerts, analyzing your cluster configuration, rebalance as necessary, managing addition of nodes, re-sharding,...
4 min read

5 Minutes to Multi-Node Redis Cluster running on Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine using Docker Desktop for Windows

If you are looking out for the easiest way to create Redis Cluster on remote Cloud Platform like Google Cloud Platform just by sitting...
6 min read

Building 3-Node Active-Active Redis Enterprise Cluster for Developers using Docker Desktop for Mac

Redis Enterprise Software (RS) offers Redis Cluster. RS Cluster is just a set of Redis nodes (OS with Redis installed). It is composed of...
6 min read

Running Redis Enterprise inside Docker Container in 5 Minutes

Redis Enterprise Software (earlier known as “Redis Labs Enterprise Cluster”) is a robust in-memory but persistent on disk database . Redis Enterprise Software, RS...
2 min read

DigitalOcean – A Perfect Docker Developer’s Cloud

DigitalOcean (sweetly called “DO”) is “Docker Developer’s Platform”. If you’re a developer & looking out for speedy way to spin up your choice of...
3 min read

Introducing Kubelabs – An Ultimate Kubernetes101 Workshop

Yesterday I conducted Kubernetes workshop for almost 500+ audience at SAP Labs, Bengaluru (India) during Docker Bangalore Meetup #50. The workshop was targeted for...
1 min read

Object Detection with Yolo Made Simple using Docker on NVIDIA Jetson Nano

If you are looking out for the most effective real-time object detection algorithm which is open source and free to use, then YOLO(You Only...
11 min read

Pico goes Cloudless: Running RTMP & Nginx for Video Streaming using Docker on Jetson Nano locally

I conducted Pico workshop for University students (Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore & the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun) back in October...
3 min read

Redis running inside Docker container on NVIDIA Jetson Nano

If you are looking out for a small, affordable, low-powered system which comes by default with the power of modern AI for your developers,...
5 min read

Running Redis on 5-Node Docker Swarm Cluster in 2 Minutes

Redis refers to REmote DIctionary Server. It is an open source, in-memory Data Structure Store, used as a database, a caching layer or a...
7 min read

2019 Year in Review: The Rise of Pico, Collabnix Slack & DockerLabs

2019 was a transformational year for Collabnix. With major initiatives like DockerLabs, Pico project & Slack, the site attracted around millions of users worldwide....
2 min read

Kubernetes Monitoring & Best Practices Talk at Sumo Logic Bengaluru User Group

Last Friday, I was invited by Sumo Logic to talk around Kubernetes Monitoring & Best Practices. Around 200+ attendees participated for this event which...
58 sec read

The Rise of Pico: At the Grace Hopper Celebration India

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC) is a series of conferences designed to bring the research and career interests of women...
2 min read

Multi-Node K3s Cluster on NVIDIA Jetson Nano in 5 Minutes

If you are looking out for lightweight Kubernetes which is easy to install and perfect for Edge, IoT, CI and ARM, then look no...
6 min read

Docker workshop on Raspberry Pi – University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun

On the 3rd of October, I travelled to UPES Dehradun(around 1500 miles) for 1 day session on ” The Pico project” as well as...
1 min read

Building Your First Certified Kubernetes Cluster On-Premises (Part 3) – Support of Kubernetes on Windows

In Part 1 of this blog series, I demonstrated how to deploy a certified Kubernetes cluster on-premises using Docker Enterprise 3.0. I showcased how...
3 min read

Docker 19.03 comes to NVIDIA Jetson Nano

Did you know? In the latest Docker 19.03 Release, a new flag –gpus have been added for docker run which allows to specify GPU...
6 min read

Installing Docker Engine 19.03 on Raspberry Pi 3 in 2 Minutes

Docker is officially supported both on Raspberry Pi 3 and 4. Installing Docker is just a matter of single-liner command. All you need to...
5 min read

Protected: Building Your First Certified Kubernetes Cluster On-Premises, Part 2 – iSCSI Support for Kubernetes

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
7 min read

Unboxing 3.5” Touch Screen RPi LCD for Raspberry Pi 3 in 2 Minutes

If you have ever conducted Docker on Raspberry Pi workshop during the Meetup event, you surely understand the pain in bringing up working infrastructure....
1 min read

A Complete Guide to build Certified Kubernetes Cluster using Docker Enterprise 3.0 on Bare Metal System – Part-I

Did you know? Over 800+ enterprise organizations use Docker Enterprise for everything from modernizing traditional applications to microservices and data science. Over 96% of...
14 min read

Kubernetes Cluster on Bare Metal System Made Possible using MetalLB

If you try to setup Kubernetes cluster on bare metal system, you will notice that Load-Balancer always remain in the “pending” state indefinitely when...
9 min read

Top 5 Cool Projects around Docker, Raspberry Pi & Blinkt! ~ Monitoring Docker Swarm using LEDs – Part I

Two week back, I travelled to Jaipur, around 1000+ miles from Bangalore for delivering one of Docker Session. I was invited as a Guest...
3 min read

Docker Enterprise 3.0: Now with New Built-in Docker cluster CLI Plugin

Last Dockercon, dozens of new Docker CLI Plugin were introduced. All of these CLI plugins will be available in upcoming Docker Enterprise 3.0 GA...
6 min read

How to Deploy Apache Kafka on AWS Platform using Docker Swarm Mode?

I am thrilled and excited to start a new open source project called “Pico”. Pico is a beta project which is targeted at object...
5 min read

How to create a Local Private Docker Registry on Play with Docker in 5 Minutes?

DockerHub is a service provided by Docker for finding and sharing container images with your team. It is the world’s largest repository of container...
4 min read

Running Docker Containers on EC2 A1 Instances powered by Arm-Based AWS Graviton Processors

2 week back, I wrote a blog post on how Developers can now build ARM containers on Docker Desktop using docker buildx CLI Plugin....
5 min read

How I built ARM based Docker Images for Raspberry Pi using buildx CLI Plugin on Docker Desktop?

2 weeks back in Dockercon 2019 San Francisco, Docker & ARM demonstrated the integration of ARM capabilities into Docker Desktop Community for the first...
10 min read

New Docker CLI API Support for NVIDIA GPUs under Docker Engine 19.03.0 Pre-Release

Let’s talk about Docker in a GPU-Accelerated Data Center… Docker is the leading container platform which provides both hardware and software encapsulation by allowing...
5 min read

Sysctl Support for Docker Swarm Cluster for the first time in Docker 19.03.0 Pre-Release

Docker CE 19.03.0 Beta 1 went public 2 week back. It was the first release which arrived with sysctl support for Docker Swarm Mode...
6 min read

Docker 19.03.0 Pre-Release: Fast Context Switching, Rootless Docker, Sysctl support for Swarm Services

Last week Docker Community Edition 19.03.0 Beta 1 was announced and release notes went public here.Under this release, there were numerous exciting features which...
7 min read

Meet K3s – A Lightweight Kubernetes Distribution for Raspberry Pi Cluster

To implement a microservice architecture and a multi-cloud strategy, Kubernetes today has become a key enabling technology. The bedrock of Kubernetes remains the orchestration...
10 min read

Docker Birthday #6: “Show-And-Tell” Event in Bangalore

Docker’s Birthday Celebration is not just about cakes, food and party. It’s actually a global tradition that is near and dear to our heart because it gives...
5 min read

A First Look at Docker Desktop Enterprise

If you are looking out for Desktop Enterprise software solution for creating & delivering production-ready containerized applications in a simplified & secure way, Docker...
6 min read

5 Minutes to Kubernetes Dashboard running on Docker Desktop for Windows

If you want to get started with Kubernetes on your Laptop running Windows 10, Docker Desktop for Windows CE is the quickest way. Docker...
4 min read

Top 50 Ansible Interview Questions

Ansible is an open-source engine that automates configuration management, application deployment, and other devOps tasks. Ansible is simple, agentless IT automation technology that can...
30 min read

Turn Your Raspberry Pi into Low-cost CCTV Surveillance Camera(with Night Vision) in 5 Minutes using Docker

Last week I purchased Raspberry PI Infrared IR Night Vision Surveillance Camera Module 500W Webcam. This webcam features 5MP with OmniVision 5647 sensor which is in...
7 min read

Test Drive 5 Cool Linux Applications on Docker Desktop for Windows Platform

Docker Desktop for Windows Release is available. This release comes with Docker Engine 18.09.2, Compose v1.23.2 & Kubernetes v1.10.11. One of the most...
4 min read

Top 5 Features of Docker Engine v18.09.1 That You Shouldn’t Miss Out

Docker Engine v18.09.1 went GA last month. It was made available for both the Community and Enterprise users. Docker Enterprise is a superset of...
10 min read

Building Data Persistent & Datacenter Asset Reporting Capability with Racktables running inside Docker container

Let’s talk about Docker inside the datacenter.. If you are a datacenter administrator and still scouring through a spreadsheet of “unallocated” IP addresses, tracking...
3 min read

Test Drive Compose on Kubernetes on Play with Kubernetes(PWK) Playground in 5 Minutes

On the 2nd day of Dockercon, Docker Inc. open sourced Compose on Kubernetes project. This project provides a simple way to define cloud native applications with...
7 min read

A First Look at Compose on Kubernetes for Minikube

Say Bye to Kompose ! Let’s begin with a problem statement – “The Kubernetes API is quite HUGE. More than 50 first-class objects in...
6 min read

Running Cron Jobs container on 5-Node Docker Swarm Mode Cluster

A Docker Swarm consists of multiple Docker hosts which run in swarm mode and act as managers (to manage membership and delegation) and workers...
2 min read

Top 5 Most Exciting Dockercon EU 2018 Announcements

Last week I attended Dockercon 2018 EU which took place at Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona (CCIB) in Barcelona, Spain. With over 3000+...
7 min read

Top 100 Docker Interview Questions & Answers

Are you looking out for Docker related Interview questions categorised into Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Level users? If yes, then you are at the...
25 min read

Switching Docker 18.09 Community Edition to Enterprise Engine with no downtime

  Under the newer Docker Engine 18.09 release,  a new feature called CE-EE Node Activate has been introduced. It allows a user to perform an...
3 min read
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